Hello, please forgive me for not being good at Japanese
I found a problem that affects the performance of the theme, about the setting of the background image
Not setting a background image will cause duplicate HTML requests on a page load because the theme uses an empty URL instead.
In these cases, the additional HTML could be unnecessarily increasing page weight, so it is recommended to use
background-image: none;
For details, please refer to this article: https://paulcalvano.com/2020-07-10-investigating-duplicate-html-requests-on-a-page-load/
Thank you very much!
WordPressのバージョン : 5.9.2
ご利用のサーバー名 : Cloudways
PHPのバージョン : 7.4.8
OS : Windows 10
ご利用のブラウザ : Chrome
該当サイトのURL :
(Sorry for my bad English....)Thank you for your suggestion.
(Thanks for the reference article too.)We will share your request with our management and use it for future development and service improvement.
Best regards, Tsu.